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The Wakefield Music Collective is a non-profit making organisation run by music loving volunteers.  Formed in 1991.  At 11am on the 10th of August 1991 The Muldoons took to the stage to kick off Clarence Rocks Off.  As with all good festivals the rain fell but 3,000 live music lovers turned up to watch the event.  Other performances on that day were supplied by local outfits Brick Supply, Moonpump, Fear of Jazz and Ada Wilson, and from out of town the Jed Thomas Blues band, Piccolo Chickens and 100 Men.


Clarence 1 (1991)Back when Clarence first began, it was a single day affair using solely the Band Stand in Clarence Park... 


   The Juvies, Brick Supply, 100 Men, The Deal,

   Big J and the Piccolo Chickens, The Outcrowd,

   Elmo Slim, Bagbuss, Fear of Jazz, Moonpump,

   The Jed Thomas Band, Rag and Bone Men

   Ada Wilson, Muldoons.

1992 saw Clarence ll – The Revenge.  Saturday the 8th of August was the date and the event kicked off at 12.45 with music from Cherry Bus Pass.  Other acts taking to the stage that year where Gentle Ihors Devotion, Architect, The Deal with headline act PADD.


 Clarence 2 (1992)

   PADD, Brick Supply, The Bobby Charltons,

   Architect (didn't turn up), The Deal,

   Gentle Ihors Devotion, Mad Egyptians,

   Muldoons, Bolt from the Blue, Fear of Jazz,

   Cherry Bus Pass

1993 the Collective put on an event for national music day.  The Mick Jagger inspired event took place at The Post Haste in Wakefield on the 26th of June.  Money raised from the event was donated to the Wakefield Drug Project.  Also that year the Collective organised mini rain free festivals in the Post Haste every Saturday.  

Clarence lll took place on the 7th of August 1993.  With a start time and still only taking place over 1 day the Bandstand played host to The Birthdays, The Roosters, Quelladrive and the Infamous Daw Green Stompers to name but a few.  Also in 1993 The Collective got involved in the Wakefield Folk Roots Festival. 


   Clarence 3 (1993)

   Daw Green Stompers, Jon Strong Band

   Lenny and his 5MGs, Brick Supply, Quelladrive,

   The Roosters, The Birthdays, Legs Bistro,

   Bogus Brothers, Muldoons.

In 1994 the Collective ran a Battle of the Bands competition with the Wakefield Youth Service.  Heats too place at all the Youth Clubs in the area and the Winners where Blunt. With the other finalists Fourways and Bubble Frenzy they all had one a slot at the Clarence Park Free Festival.  The annual Clarence Park Free Music Festival followed another National Music Day event at the Post Haste.  

This year the Collective decided to be brave and booked the Bandstand for two days.  August the 6th and 7th were the dates and taking to the stage this time acts included Gaelforce, Blunt, Chest, The Bobby Charlton’s, Dazed and Confused and The Blueflies to name but a few.  The Collective also organised the weekly SLAM night at the Post Haste where punters could expect to be entertained by local bands.  1994 also saw the launch of the Collectives very own Fanzine “Feedback:

Clarence 4 (1994)
1994 saw the introduction of the 2 day festival.

   Ship of Fools, The Blue Flies, Sunburst Deluxe,

   Xile, Bubble Frenzy, Dazed and Confused,

   Bolo Bolo, Fourways, The Roosters

   The Bobby Charltons, The Deal, Chest,

   Emotional Hooligans, Blunt, Land of ID

   Hardland, Gaelforce

1995 saw the Collective organise a VE Day event on Monday the 8th on May at The Post Haste in Wakefield.  Under the title “Last Post” 10 bands did their stuff for nothing to raise funds for the up and coming Clarence V Festival. Acts taking to the stage included Two Man Cuppy, Scrawl, Brick Supply and Two Dogs.  With an admission price of one pound the event raised over two hundred pounds.  Clarence V took place on the 29th and 30th of July with The Muldoon’s kicking the event off on Saturday.  Other acts taking to the stage that day included Picasso, Metamorphosis, Junkhead and the headline act were Gangshow headed by ex-Motorhead axe-man Wurzel.  Sunday’s event kicked off with the Valley of the Dolls who were followed by Blackstone Edge, Two Dogs, T-Box Mini.  The headline act for Sunday was Brick Supply.


Clarence 5 (1995)

   Gangshow, EXP and Graham Oliver, Big EZ,

   Metamorphosis, Homegrown,  Junk Head,

   Assassination Bureau, Di Maurizio, Picasso,

   Muldoons, Brick Supply, Kava Kava, T Box Mini

   Two Dogs, The Solicitors, Tubeless Hearts,

   Blackstone Edge, Valley of the Dolls


In 1996 the Collective organised two fundraising events for this years Clarence festival.  The first event took place on the 27th of January at Henry Boons in Wakefield and featured an array of talent including The Bobby Charltons, Planet Lounge, Skint, Homegroan and Two Man Cuppy to name but a few.  The second event took place, again at Henry Boons in Wakefield on the 25th of May.  Bands giving their time for free this time included Omega, Soil, Comic Book Heroes, Blackout and Two Man Cuppy.

The festival took place over the 27th and 28th of July.  Now boasting two stages the event kicked off on Saturday at 1pm with The Muldoon Brothers on the main stage.  Other acts on that stage included The Solicitors and Huggy.  The second stage kicked off at 2.50pm with Sleepwalker doing their stuff, other acts on that stage included HG and Return to Chaos.  Headliners on Saturday were Lenny and the 5 MG’s.  Sunday saw Blackout, Omega, Dazed and Confused and Chest, to name but a few entertained the crowds.  


Clarence 6 (1996)

   Huggy, Return to Chaos, English Dogs,

   Emotional Hooligan, Toranaga, HG,

   The Solicitors, Sleepwalker, Bullrush

   Chest, Elephant and Rhinos, T Box Mini

   Dazed and Confused, Skint, Scratch Band

   Blowback, Blackout, Omega.

The 1997 festival took place over the weekend of the 26th and 27th of July. Once again the event kicked off with ever-popular Muldoos playing the Main stage.  Other acts playing that day included Strongheart, Kava Kava, Rosko and the day’s headliners were Gretschen Hofner.  Sunday’s bands included Tinto Basso, Torment, Old Man Stone, Patsy Matheson and headliners The Beekeepers.  This year the event also boasted a beer tent stage where The Deal and guests entertained punters.  


   Clarence 7 (1997)

   Gretchen Hofner, Kava Kava, Dirt Flowers

   Strongheart, Police 2, Clear the Pier, Rosko

   Lemon Enema, This, Beekeepers

   Old Man Stone, Disco Deviants, Freak Scene

   Idiot Drive, Tinto Basso, Patsey Matherson

   Torment, Anal soda 

1998, the date on this year’s Clarence Free Music Festival.  As well as the usual main stages on which acts such as Young Americans, Brace, Bodixa, Skaface and Kava Kava did their stuff.  This year the festival boasted a dance tent with performances form an electric bunch of dj’s over the weekend.


Clarence 8 (1998)

   Kava Kava, Blue Foot Project, Pimp

   Dry Riser, Un-x-pected,

   Ten Bob Swerver, Squarefoot Brothers,

   Bughouse, Brace, Poontang, Muldoons

   Ska Face, Anal Soda – Kitten Heals,

   Bodixa, Return to Chaos, Young Americans

   F, Just Ray.

1999 saw the Collective organise a District Battle of the Bands competition for original bands with members aged between 16-25.  Heats took place at various Youth Clubs in the Wakefield and 5 towns area with the grand final of the event being held at McDermott’s on Cheapside on Bank Holiday Monday May the 29th.  The winners could look forward to a slot at this years Clarence festival, recording time and a voucher towards equipment.  


Clarence 9 (1999)

   Poontang, Un-x-pected, Blues Assembly, Sebastian Fly, Beyond the Gate, Planet Lounge, Ocean Size

   F,  Tbc – (don’t know who filled in), Wrinkle, The Mad Tones, Cone, Orca, Quelladrive (don't think they played in      the end), Glass, Pollen, Rosco, Freak KO, Rubbafish. 


We have no poster for 1999, if you have one we'd love to include it here.

In 2000 the festival took place over the weekend of the 28th to 30th of July.  This year we had a beer tent set up on the Friday night which played host to the runners up and other competitors from this years Battle of the bands competition plus Sebastian Fly and Wrinkle who then became the very well known as The Cribs.  The Saturday event was headlined by the B-Eagles on the main stage with P.A.I.N playing the last slot on the Lite Structures stage.  Other acts playing on Saturday included Johnny the Fox, Blanche, Jed Thomas and Innocent OJ’s to name but a few.  Sunburst Deluxe, the brilliant Be Bop Deluxe tribute outfit, headlined Sunday’s line up.  Other acts playing on that day included Young Americans, Bluefoot Project, The Snapp, Maine and Remedy.


Clarence 10 (2000)

   B-Eagles, P.A.I.N, Mostly Autumn, Innocent OJs, Doghouse, Rebel Truce, All Souled Out, Blanch, Jed Thomas

   Chief Maclean, Johnny The Fox, Sunburst Delux,  Bluefoot Project, Tbc – (don’t know who filled in),  Remedy,

   Young Americans, Maine, The Snapp (don’t think they turned up).


We have no poster for 2000, if you have one we'd love to include it here.


Our 2001 event boasted 2 stages, 26 bands and 1 beer tent. Taking place over the weekend of the 28t hand 29th of July the show was opened by John Otway and headlined by Four More Heroes.  Other acts taking to the stage that day included Dr Blue, Nailed, Mr Shiraz and Soberskin.  The Flying Seamen opened the festival on Sunday at 1pm followed by The Solicitors, The Jacasta Project, Rebel Truce, Web, Catalyst and headlined by the excellent Eddie and the Hotrods.  This year also saw the start of the Music Track project.  Working with local schools, youth service and faceless theatre company the project encouraged young musicians aged between 12 – 18 to work together on recording their material and performing live.  This project ran until 2008 and saw over 200 young people get involved.    


Clarence 11 (2001)

   Four More Heroes, Choking Kojak, Soberskin, Mr Shiraz, Betty Nothing, Little Town Big Shots, Marvel, Nailed

   Dr Blue, Burning Sky, John Otway, Eddie & the Hot Rods , Rebel Truce, Catalyst, The Solicitors, Jacasta Project

   Web, Flying Seamen


We have no poster for 2001, if you have one we'd love to include it here.


In 2002 sessions were held at the Kube bar in Wakefield where potential acts could showcase their music to the Collective with a view to gaining a place at this years Clarence Festival which took place between the 26th and 28th of July.  The event kicked off on the Friday with an invitation only event in the beer tent followed by the kick off of the main event on Saturday at 1pm with the Innocent OJ’s.  The Saturday headliners were Squo-7 and other acts doing their stuff included Commonside, Welsh T Jam Band, KO Kaine Milk2sugars.  The Flying Seamen kicked off on Sunday at 1pm followed by Seed, The Negatives, Gabriel, Lyca Sleep, Swansong and headlined by The Bluefoot Project.  The beer tent played host to Dr Blue and guest.


Clarence 12 (2002)

   S-Quo-7, Brody, Slightly Alien, KO.Kane, Milk2Sugars, Welsh T Jam Band, Displeased, The Xenith Sound

   Commonside, All Star 69ers, The Innocent OJs, The Blue Foot Project, Gabriel, SwanSong, Lyca Sleep,      

   The Negatives, Seed, The Flying Seamen.


We have no poster for 2002, if you have one we'd love to include it here.

Now in its thirteenth year the date for the 2003 event was the 26th and 27th on July.  Acts who entertained the audience this year included Denzil, Inamba, FULC and The Sex Pistol Experience.  The Flying Seamen took to the stage on the Sunday for the third year running to whip up the audience as they always do.  Also on stage that day was The Dead Pets, Born to Run and Worm.


Clarence 13  (2003)

   Four More Heros, Electric Eel Shock, FULC,  The Expelled, Denzel, Soberskin, Straight Razor Angel, 

   Optic Nerve, Inamba, Skiprat, Sex Pistols Experience, Born to Run, The Dead Pets, Worm, Milf

   Rhesus Monkey, Electric Mud Generator, Flying Seamen


And YAY!  We hav e a poster too.

April of 2004, the 24th to be exact the Collective held a warm up gig for Clarence. Held at the Snooty Fox in Wakefield White Buffalo headlined with support from other acts vying for a place on the stage at this year’s event. The annual two-day event took place over the last weekend of July.  With an impressive headline by The Crew supported by a brilliant pyrotechnic light show other acts on the Saturday included Kiss the Dawn, AB Negative, Swine and Vib Gyore.  On Sunday Lord Bishop headlined and on that day other acts taking to the stage included Cobain, Waking the Witch and Malibu Stacey.


Clarence 14 2004)

   Crew, The Sound Divide, Kiss the Dawn, Parisman, Gore, Swine, Skinny Sumo, King Booty, Joenomore

   AB Negative, Vib Gore, Lord Bishop, Cobain, Malibu Stacey, Waking the Witch, Hysteria, Ninepound Note


Saturday the 23rd of April 2005 saw an all-dayer take place at the Snooty Fox to give organisers a chance to hear some of the contenders who were hoping to play at this year’s festival.  During this time the Collective was also running a Battle of the Bands competition.  One of the prizes was a place at this year’s festival.  Runners up were Last Day of Vengence and the Winners were The Labels. This years festival took place over the weekend of the 30th and 31st of July.  Strangebrew headline on the Saturday night with other acts taking to the stage before hand included New Vinyl, 3mh, Coney Island Jesus and Last Days of Vengence.  Sunday’s event boasted a headline show from The Labels and other acts such as Rise to Addiction, Kid G and Neophonics doing their stuff on stage.  In the beer tent Jon Gomm, Belinda Hooley, Rob Nichols, Mister Do and Fawn supplied acoustic sessions.  Also the sun was shining as Rangin Kala performed on the hillside.   


Clarence 15  (2005)

   Strangebrew, Coney Island Jesus, New Vinyl, Last days of Vengeance, Tom Doughty, MeloDyme

   Spiral Frank, Mark Slawinski, Waving at Strangers, 3MH, The Chucky No Stars, The Labels

   Rise to Addiction, Neophonics, The Seventy 7’s, Rangin Kala, Kid G, The Heat, Jon Gomm

   Belinda O’Hooley, Rob Nichols, Mister Doo, Fawn

In 2006 we decided to allocate a number of slots at the festival to promoters.  This giving the promoters a chance to nominate bands that they thought deserved to play at this year’s event.  Also the Battle of the bands competition had become an annual event at various venues in the city. Due to funding problems this year’s festival had to be re-organised.  While the bandstand stood idle the Snooty Fox became the place to be over the weekend of the 29th and 30th of July.  Bands playing included Theory 1, Les Jocks from our twin town of Castres in France, Last Gang, Xi, Metro, and Rebel Yell.  

The Bandstand has been an ongoing concern and a sub-committee, made up of three collective members, representatives from Faceless Arts Company and the council’s Parks and Public Realm have started to meet regularly to discuss securing funding to repair the roof and other renovations.  Other repairs internally were authorised and the matter of the state of the doors were raised as a security issue. 


We have no poster for 2006, if you have one we'd love to include it here.

2007 saw the Collective back on track.  The annual Battle of the Bands competition was all up and running. The 22nd April saw the Snooty Fox play host to a fun raising gig for Clarence take place featuring Dusty not Digital, Hulafrau and Rayne.  The final of the Battle of the Bands competition took place on the 5th of May at the Snooty Fox.  Theory 1 was the winners and a massive 1,380 pounds had been raised during the competition to go towards this years Clarence Park festival.  This year’s festival had been brought forward by a week and took place over the 21st and 22nd of July.   Zodiac Mindwarp and the Love Reaction headlined the Saturday night with other bands doing their stuff-included battle of the bands winners Theory 1, Whisky Dogs, Scion, Eris and The Solicitors. Goggle Eye Psycho and Jason Wakefield played in the beet tent.  Sunday’s event was kicked off by Metro who was followed by Subnova, Jon Gomm, Quelladrive and many more, and in the beer tent the audience was entertained by Welsh T, Crosscut Saw and Hummingbird.

The first Wakefield Blues festival organised by KT Promotions with support from the Collective took place during November at a number of venues in the city.  Bands playing at the event included John Gomm, Crosscut Saw, Ryan Mitchell Smith, Dr Blue, Mojo, Blues Positive and The Welsh T Band.


We have no poster for 2007, if you have one we'd love to include it here.

2008 the annual Battle of the Bands competition took place during the spring raising more than one thousand pounds towards this year’s festival.  June of this year saw the Collective put the first Brass band concert on the stage of Clarence Park bandstand for over 20 years.  Crofton Silver band played to an appreciative audience of avid listeners.  

The weekend of the 26th and 27th of July played host to this years festival.  With scorching sunshine all weekend the event was the best attended to date with bodies scattered on the hill not a blade of grass in sight.  This year the bandstand was the main stage playing host to what has been described as the best line up of the festival in a lot of people’s memories.  On Saturday the main stage was headlined by blues genius Stephen Dale Petit, other acts included Crygirlcry, Kolorado Rock Machine and this years Battle of the Bands winners The Bundesrats to name but a few.  The beer tent played host to interludes where supplied by the Black Horse Poets.  With the sun still shining Sunday saw the Jess Gardham Band headline on the main stage.  Other acts on the day included Inamba, Rosie Doonan and band and Hank Muldoon and the Hangovers.  In the beer tent John Doe, Lapels, Hoover Manoeuvres and The Deal entertained the audience.  In September Crofton Silver band once again took to the bandstand stage, and again the sun shone all afternoon.  

































On going meetings over the last two years with regard to the renovation of the bandstand made a giant leap with the renovation of the roof organised and paid for by the council.  Also internal renovation was completed by the collective, with cherry on the cake being the successful bid to Wakefield Community Foundation Grass Roots Grant for funds towards the cost of shutters being fitted to the bandstand.  With match funding promised from the council, work should start by summer 2009.  

Also this year the second Blues festival organised by KT Promotions kicked off on the 6th of November with the excellent Dr Feelgood taking to the stage at the Strafford Arms in Wakefield with support from the Welsh T Band.  Other venues playing host to the event included the Jockey, O’Donoghues and the Talbot and Falcon.  On Sunday the 9th the bandstand played host to two of the acts taking part in this years Blues festival namely Matt Johnson and The Deal.

On December the 14th the bandstand once again played host to the sound of Brass. Taking to the stage to lead a Carol Concert were Yorkshire Brass Quintet. 

And so to 2009, this year the Collective put on hold the usual 2 day festival but looked at ways of reinvigorating the event so that they could put on a bigger, better, refreshed festival next year.  

However, the Collective had a number of replacement events up their sleeves.  Plans are to make more use of the bandstand, which included a Family Music Day at the end of July, more brass band concerts also the Collective want to hear from Voluntary and Community Organisations who would like to use the facilities at Clarence Park.  Events already booked to take place at the Bandstand this year were as follows: 


Sun April 19th Brass band Concert (Gawthorpe Band) 2pm to 4pm

Sat   May 16th Brass band Concert (Frickley Colliery Band) 2pm to 4pm 

Sun May 31st New Band Showcase (Under 20’s) 3pm to 7pm

Sat June 20th Summer Solstice Gig 3pm to 7pm, 3 Bands playing: Quellerdrive, 2nd & 3rd Band TBC

Sun July 5th Brass band Concert (Crofton Silver Band

Sat July 25th African Drumming Workshops for Children and Young People.

 Sun July 26th Family Music Day, 5 Bands playing 2pm to 7pm

 Sun Sept 20th Brass band Concert (Gawthorpe Brass 85) 2pm to 4pm

Thurs Oct 29th to Nov 1st KT’s City Blues Bash - Wakefield’s 3rd Blues Festival (supported by Wakefield Music Collective).6 venues, 12 bands playing free gigs….Dr. Feelgood playing Nov 1st .

Sun 13thDec Brass band Concert (Barnsley Metropolitan Band) 2pm- 4pm 


2010 saw the Collective being involved in a number of events across the city including the annual solstice gig, young band show case, Equinox gig and a return of the Free Clarence Music Festival all held at the bandstand.  The bandstand is looking in great shape and playing host to more and more events which includes regular Brass Band performances.  The Free Clarence Music Festival was back this year with a strong line up which included the best local and national acts on the circuit.  The annual KT’s Blues Bash took place between the 3rd and 7th of November at a number of venues in the city including Fernandes, O’Donoghues, The Hop featuring 12 Bands. The highlight had to be Dr Feelgood doing what they do best at the Cathedral which was a sell out gig more events are expected being organised at what must be the most ornate and beautiful venue in Wakefield.  

The Collective were also asked to plan and stage a concert at Light Waves for Next Generation, local VCS organisation who work with children and young people. The theme was ‘Love Music, Hate Racism’ and featured local young people writing own compositions and performing.

The Collective also continued to support Thursday night gigs - KT’s PURE Music @ the Hop which features electro

acoustic or Blues Bands each week (these will continue right through 2011).


























Below are is a list of all the events that the Collective were involved with in 2010

Saturday February 27 Rhubarb Rocks Wakefield Rhubarb Festival fringe event at O’Donoghues 6pm to close 3 bands.

Sunday April 11 – Wakefield Metropolitan Brass Band – 2-4 pm 

Saturday May 16 – Young Band Showcase (Under 25’s) – 3-7pm

Sunday June 6 – Brass Band Festival – 2-6pm 

Saturday June 19 – Solstice Gig – 2-7pm

Sunday July 4 – Yorkshire Brass Quintet – 2-4pm 

Saturday 31 July – Sunday 1 August - Clarence Park Festival - 12- 8pm

Sunday September 5 – Brass Band – 2-4pm

Saturday September 18 – Equinox Gig – 2-7pm

Sunday September 26 – Bandstand Marathon 2010 with Wakefield Metropolitan Brass Band 

Wednesday November 3 – Sunday November 7 – KT’s 4th Wakefield Rhythm and Blues Festival – O’Donoghues, Boons, The Hop, Fernandes plus others...

Sunday December 12 – Brass Band – 2-4pm  


And that brings us up to 2011.  Again the Collective are not sitting back and putting their feet up this year you can expect more Brass Band concerts, the annual Solstice, Equinox, Young Band Showcase gigs on the Bandstand, KT’s Blues Bash and the 20th Clarence Park Music Festival all set for the last weekend in July.  Also this year the Collective were involved in the annual Rhubarb festival organising a fringe music event.  

WMDC Tourism Department invited The Collective to be part of partnership meetings, resulting in us being part of the Hepworth Launch Event and organising bands for the opening events for the new Trinity Walk Shopping Centre. 

The Hepworth opening event saw the Collective have an active input on the opening day and they also organised bands to play at the opening of the new Trinity walk shopping centre.   

2011 diary of events looks like this:


Saturday February 26 – ‘Rhubarb Rocks’ Wakefield Rhubarb Fest Fringe Event – Bull and Fairhouse - 6pm - Close 

Sunday March 20 – Yorkshire Brass Quintet – 2-4pm 

Sunday April 10 –The Phoenix Band – 2-4 pm 

Saturday May 14 – Young Band Showcase -Inlaze, Blood Spiders and The Riatines - 2-6 pm 

Sunday May 22 – Frickley South Elmsall Brass Band – 2-4 pm 

Sunday June 5 – Brass Band festival – 2-5 pm 

Saturday June 18 – Solstice Gig – Commonside, Eyes of March, The Valvetronics - 2 – 4 pm 

Sunday July 3 – Emley brass band – 2-4pm 

Saturday July 30/31 – Clarence Park Festival – 12 – 8pm both days 

Sunday September 4 – The James Farrell Concert Band – 2-4pm 

Sunday September 25 – Morley and District Concert Band – 2 – 4pm 

Wednesday November 2 – Sunday November 6 – KT’s 5th Wakefield Rhythm and Blues Festival – Bull and Fairhouse, Harry’s Bar, The Hop, Fernandes, others tbc. 

Featuring The Hamsters on their farewell tour at Wakefield Cathedral, Friday November 5. 

Sunday December 11 – Knottingley Silver Band – 2-4pm





























Brass band Concerts were paid for mostly by WMDC Environment Services but because of cuts in budgets these may suffer in 2011/12. The Collective are striving to pull in some funds via the Community Chest Grant Scheme.  Friends of Chat Parks and ourselves have contributed in the past towards concerts. 

All the events The Collective plan and stage are offered in a voluntary capacity, monies are raised through sponsorship, fund raising and tenders at events. 

However because of the economic climate sponsorship is increasingly difficult to obtain, therefore for The Collective continue to promote live music and don’t just need recognition but practical help and support to resource events.


In 2012 the Collective continued to take part in the annual Rhubarb Festival, and arrange fringe events that had become regulars on the Collective diary which incuded, Brass in the Park, Young Band Showcase,Teddy Bears picnic and KT’S Rhythm and Blues Festival.  The main Festival took place over the weekend of the 28th and 29th of July.  Headliners for Saturday were Freedom of the City and Benson closed the Festival on Sunday night.  


And so to 2013.  The Collective continued to arrange an number of fringe events throught the City and at the historic Bandstand.  The main event Clarence 2013 took place on the 27thand 28thof July.  With the addition of the Wakefield DJ Collective playing tunes inbetween performances Headline act for Saturday was the brilliant Dodgy on Sunday’s headliners were The Lagan – both performances brought Clarence 2013 to a euphoric end………..Clarence 2014 next up.


Clarence 2014 took place, as ussual on the last weekend of July at the Bandstand in Clarence Park. Headliners for Saturday were the excellent 90’s outfit Northside while Healthy Junkies brought proceedings to an end on Sunday night.  As always the Collective were very busy during the year organising the, what has become annual events – Teddy Bears Picnic, Brass in the Park, P.U.R.E nights at The Hop and from the 6thto 9thof November it was time for KT’s Rhythm and Blues Festival.  The event featured 12 bands in 6 venues over 4 days.  Blues veterans Slack Alice were the headline act performing at Unity Works.


Another busy year in 2015 for the small number of Collective members (new members always welcome!) as they once again organise various events across the City.  P.U.R.E nights continued to be a success with performance from the likes of Charlie Padfield, Ryan Mitchell and Mick Shaw to name but 3.  The Wakefield DJ Collective had become regulars performers between acts at main festival.  Headliners for this years event were Pink Diamond Review on the Saturday and Turrentine Jones Sundays closing band. 


As usual 2016 was another full on year for the Collective and they Celebrated 25 years of existence, which is an achievement for any organisation but especially one like ours that is totally run by a Collecitve of dedicated members.  The annualhappened which included participation in the Rhubarb Festival, Brass in the Park, Teddy Bears Picnic and of course the 2 days the music loving people of Wakefield look forward to (and it would appear expect) to take place on the last weekend of July.  Headliners for the weekend were Dub Vocaliza and Issimo.  And another annual event the the Collective are involved in is KT’s Rhythm and Blues Festival.  10 bands over 4 days in 5 venues was on offer. 


2017 saw the Collective organise the regular events in their calendar and this  year saw the organisation set up a crowd funding site to help raise funding for the main event of their year - Clarence Park Free Music Festival which has seen the cost of putting on the event rise over recent years. Sponsors are always welcome and the organisation have a number of packages on offer.  Headliners for this years where Faunshead and Baltimore.

clarence poster rgb 3000px-2.jpg

And here we are in 2018. After weeks of full on sun the rain decided to pour on the Friday of the Clarence weekend but the sun returned on the Saturday.  Perfomances from local and acts from further affield entertained the large crowd and headliners on Saturday were Piston Broke. Sunday saw the rain pour down for most of the day but the music loving public turned up to support the event, the Incredible Magpie Band close proceedings.

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